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Politics Journal Editor Resigns

Politics Journal Editor Resigns

Former Editor Bob Goodin Discusses Issues

Cites Editorial Concerns in Letter to Board

Robert Goodin, founding and longtime editor of the Journal of Political Philosophy (JPP), has resigned from his position as of the end of the current year. In a letter to the editorial board, Goodin cited editorial concerns as the reason for his departure.

Goodin, an emeritus distinguished professor at the Australian National University, launched JPP in 1993. The journal has since become a leading publication in the field of political philosophy. However, in recent years, Goodin has been critical of the journal's direction, particularly its decision to publish articles that he believes do not meet the journal's high standards.

In his resignation letter, Goodin expressed his hope that the journal will continue to be a leading voice in political philosophy. However, he also urged the board to reconsider its editorial policies in order to ensure the journal's continued success.
